There are two versions of RISC Analysis

There are two types of Desktop License
     Note, each L1/L3 License includes an an On-Line account

Desktop vs Online: Both versions contain the same core data as far as MTMD, FCs, PN/FRUs, List Prices. The major difference is that the desktop version is file I/O (read/write) capable. This means it can download files (in bulk), building custom libraries of downloaded files or target files (links) on the web. Additionally, the desktop version allows for greater flexibility of various searches, including wildcard FRUs and partial descriptions. It also allows for saving custom searches, and data export to htm or text. The desktop version also includes a user db util to store and edit PN/FRUs. Although the On-Line version is very efficient at conserving browser memory for both data retrieval and display, the number of available Panels is limited compared to the desktop version. Since the desktop version runs SQL queries against a local db, data retrieval will be quicker than retrieving data from the web. But, the desktop version has a limited future. Eventually, Microsoft will switch to UWP based apps - which we will not support. Summary of differences between Desktop and On-Line Versions
Property            | Desktop   |  On-Line  |
Local File I/O      |   Yes     |    No     |
Can Download Files  |   Yes     |    No     |
Custom User PN DB   |   Yes     |    No     |
Requires Windows    |   Yes     |    No     |
Limited Future      |   Yes     |    No     |
Requires Internet   | Only for  |    Yes    |
Connection          | Group Lic |           |
Per User Cost       |  High     |    Low    |

Group User Licenses (Desktop Version) A Group User License allows three concurrent installs under the same Group ID. Where a Dedicated License is normal software, a Group User license pings our server when the app starts and sets a token to establish the license ID as the 'current' Group User. While running, RISC periodically re-pings our server to confirm it is still the current Group User. If the server response indicates a different current user, RISC Analysis delivers a message and terminates. Restarting RISC with a valid internet connection re-establishes the Lic ID as the current Group User. Additional Users (A1) may be added to a Group License. More About Group User Licensing Our concept is based on the knowledge that not all of our clients need all of their users to have full time access. For example, sales people likely need dedicated licenses, whereas back office support (techs or inventory data entry) may not need dedicated access. Another example, we have clients who operate in different global time-zones. The user in Singapore, who has gone home when the user in Germany is working, and the user in the USA who starts work when the user in Germany is going home. Although each user is thousands of miles apart, they all share the same Group license. The benefit for our clients is lower average cost per user. As far as we know, no other software vendor offers their clients this ability for physically installed software.
On-Line Version Considerations. MS-Phones, MS Internet Explorer, and Edge (MS Version) are not supported. MS-Phones are now discontinued by Microsoft. MSIE has not been updated for many years and has issues with modern javascript. Edge is so lacking in function and full javascript support that it barely qualifies as browser. Update: After over 5 years of development, Microsoft announced in late 2018 that Edge would start using the Chrome browser engine. In other words, Edge will soon be Chrome. Although a general release date has not yet been announced for Edge on Chrome, as of June 2019 the developer version looks and feels like Chrome and is now supported for use with RISC Analysis DataBox. Multiple concurrent log-ins per Account ID are not supported. This simply means that a second user logging in with the same Account ID will displace an already logged in user. This is similar to the Desktop version Group User License.